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President Wayne Jacobson, Vice President Kristina McBurney, Treasurer Cindy Wilson, Secretary Julie Creeden, Nathan Greiner, Chris Hansen, Beth Harris, Kristie Lehman, Ron Martin, Interim Pastor Mike Brost, Associate Interim Pastor Tim Boettger, and Church Administrator Kaylene Hoskins.

Nazareth Special Congregational Meeting
for the Affiliation Vote:
August 28th – 6:30 pm

Vote Information and Resources:

Notice from the Council 

April 18th, 2024


The special meeting of the congregation took place in the Worship Center on Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30 p.m. There were two resolutions on the agenda:


  • a. RESOLVED, that Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church intends to and shall begin the process of terminating its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) following two legally called and conducted special meetings of the congregation; and

  • b. RESOLVED, that in the event the congregation votes to terminate its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church intends to establish an affiliation with the North American Lutheran Church (NALC).


The voting results for Resolution A were 450 in favor of the resolution, 100 against the resolution, and 1 invalid ballot. The resolution required a 2/3 majority in order to pass. It received an 82% majority, therefore Resolution A has passed.


The voting results for Resolution B were 450 in favor of the resolution, and 81 against the resolution. The resolution required a simple majority in order to pass. It received an 85% majority, therefore Resolution B has also passed.


The Church Council reminds you that the passing of Resolution A is just the first of TWO required votes, as we must follow the ELCA constitution and their requirements for disaffiliation. This first passing vote must now be ratified by a second vote, again with a 2/3 majority, in order to adopt Resolution A for Nazareth to officially disaffiliate from the ELCA; and with a simple majority vote to ratify the adoption of Resolution B. That second vote is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 p.m. in the Worship Center. This second vote will be every bit as important as the first. The Council and pastoral staff encourage you to place this meeting on your calendars and plan to attend. The entire Council, with full support from the pastoral staff, will again unanimously recommend that you vote YES for both resolutions.


Meeting Minutes

Each of the Council's monthly meetings is summarized and recapped in an approved document. Explore the recent and archived Council Meeting Minutes below.

Question & Answer

A compilation of all of the questions and answers that have were shared in the Nazareth Newsletter between 10/14/2022 - 2/26/2023. The Q&A section was intended to communicate Council actions and decisions with the congregation.

Archived Council Document
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