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Current Council Members

President Wayne Jacobson, Vice President Kristina McBurney, Treasurer Cindy Wilson, Secretary Julie Creeden, Nathan Greiner, Chris Hansen, Beth Harris, Kristie Lehman, Ron Martin, Interim Pastor Mike Brost,

Associate Interim Pastor Tim Boettger, and Church Administrator Kaylene Hoskins.​

Notice from the Council 

August 29th, 2024


The special meeting of the congregation took place in the Worship Center on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 p.m. There were two resolutions on the agenda:


  • a. RESOLVED, that Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church shall terminate its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Church Council is hereby empowered to take all actions necessary to effectuate this resolution; and


  • b. RESOLVED, that in the event the congregation votes to terminate its relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church shall establish an affiliation with the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and the Church Council is hereby empowered to take all actions necessary to effectuate this resolution.


The voting results for Resolution A were 415 in favor of the resolution, and 36 against the resolution. The resolution required a 2/3 majority in order to pass. It received a 92% majority, therefore Resolution A has passed.


The voting results for Resolution B were 406 in favor of the resolution, and 41 against the resolution. The resolution required a simple majority in order to pass. It received a 91% majority, therefore Resolution B has also passed.


NEXT STEPS – A message from Wayne Jacobson, NELC Council President, on behalf of the full Council:

Now that the two resolutions have passed, here is what you can expect to happen next: First, we will be communicating with the ELCA the results of this vote. We will mail you all copies of this communication. Second, we will be in contact with the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and begin the process of affiliation. Third, the Church Council has appointed a team of people to revise our current bylaws to reflect the new affiliation and the values we embrace as a church. Hopefully, their work should be done no later than the end of the calendar year, so that the congregation can review and approve the revisions at a called congregational meeting. Finally, a call committee will be formed after the new bylaws have been revised and approved by the congregation, as the bylaws are what inform and instruct a call committee.


I’d like to personally thank the Church Council, as well as the Pastors and Staff for their faithful

leadership and for serving in the trenches with me. And finally, I’d like to thank you, the members of our church. As Nazareth has wrestled with many issues over the years you may have found yourself asking, where are you, Lord? What are you doing? Why do other churches seem to have it so easy and not us? If you’ve been walking with the Lord and waiting for His answer, you’ve probably asked some of those same questions in your own life. And there’s a good chance you’ve felt forgotten, frustrated, and confused, or even discouraged during this waiting period. God has a great purpose for Nazareth which is why it’s important for us to stay the course and not give up!


Between God’s promise and its fulfillment, there is a process, often a time of refining.

Malachi 3:3 says, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify . . . and refine them like gold and silver.” The refining process is not a punishment. It is a time of maturing, a time of growing more deeply rooted in His Word so that what is not beneficial is pruned so that we may bear much fruit. In this pruning and refining process, the Lord actually delivers us from the very things that hold us back; all the while strengthening our spiritual muscles and character.


Nazareth remains in the process of being refined. Let’s give praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for having sustained and blessed us thus far, and turn our face to the future with hope and joy! Your church leadership is committed to embracing this refinement and remaining patient as we wait upon the Lord to place His calling on us. As we go forward, let’s commit together to seek the Lord with all our heart and soul, follow Jesus at all costs, and invite others to come and see.


Meeting Minutes

Each of the Council's monthly meetings is summarized and recapped in an approved document. Explore the recent and archived Council Meeting Minutes below.

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